
The online learning policy at private universities as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic has caused a number of major losses, but from a positive perspective it also benefits because it can accelerate the adoption of information and communication technology. This study aims to determine how the online learning implementation system in private universities can be optimized. The research method was carried out qualitatively with a case study approach that was limited by time and activities to collect complete information at private universities in Makassar City. Sources of data obtained through scientific steps with interview techniques, observation and documentation, then analyzed using an interactive model including the stages of reduction, display and draw conclusions. The results showed that the implementation of online learning policies at PTS Makassar City was running because of the urgent conditions for conducting e-learning, limited resources in the online learning process were quite inhibiting, especially for universities that were not yet established due to the lack of available advice and adequate supporting facilities. low commitment due to the limited mastery of lecturers on digital technology so that communication between lecturers runs independently with their respective teaching methods.

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