
AbstractThis paper describes optimization details of an analytical method development of a hydride‐generation procedure for speciation of mercury(II), monomethylmercury cation, dimethylmercury, and diethylmercury using a heated quartz furnace with an atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS) as a detector. Typically a new analytical method is developed in steps such as the following: (1) determining analytes individually to confirm retention times and the lack of decomposition during the procedure; (2) comparing peak areas of all analytes as a function of quartz furnace temperature to optimize atomization for AAS detection; (3) conducting factorial experiments to determine which hydride‐generation reaction conditions are important in maximizing peak areas and which conditions interact with each other; (4) using the simplex optimization method to give final optimization of reaction conditions. These steps result in conditions that maximize optimized peak areas for analytes while minimizing experimental error.

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