
Carrying out learning in the laboratory in the form of a practicum is one of the science learning techniques that can establish the circumstances for accomplishing the results of science scientific concepts and components of science science processes. The objectives of this study are to: ascertain the state of the science laboratory in high school. The others objectives area to ascertain the implementation of science practicum activities in the and to ascertain the challenges encountered and solutions for resolving these challenges in high school. This study came to a few conclusions: the management of science laboratories in high schools is not good because there are still many activities in the planning program that have not been carried out in accordance with the plan. Planning, which includes the preparation of a work program, is planned one month before the start of the school year and made at the start of the school year, Organization, which includes organizational structure and administration, has not been implemented properly, such as there being no updates to the laboratory organizational structure, which means that students also do not know who is managing the laboratory, Implementation of practicum activities is rarely carried out in the laboratory due to limited tools and materials, Supervision and evaluation, namely by supervising internal schools and having supervisors come from the government, Factors that contribute to the management of this laboratory are laboratory assistants, students, time, and limited equipment and materials.

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