
The article is aimed at developing the parameters and operating modes of a multifunctional unit for the simultaneous sowing of row crops and the introduction of the main and pre-sowing solid mineral fertilizers. The minimization of the target function in terms of the total energy consumption for the process is ensured by the combination of these technological operations in combination with the substantiation of the parameters and operating modes of the proposed unit, which ensures the introduction of a new resource-saving technology for sowing row crops. The difference between the methodological approach to solving the problem lies in the use of typical traction characteristics of tractors, linking their tractive power, tractive effort, working speed, specific fuel consumption of the engine in combination with the working width of the seeding unit, its traction resistance and operating conditions: type of soil, working length of rut, capacity of the fertilizer hopper, rate of consumption of seeds and fertilizers, etc. The standard indicators used in calculating the target function are taken from the reference literature. The urgency of the problem of reducing the energy intensity of the process is determined by a further increase in the competitiveness of the field crop production, where scientifically grounded parameters of machines and their mode of operation are of decisive importance. The regularities of the process and the dependence of the optimization criterion on the parameters and operating modes of the proposed multifunctional unit, obtained as a result of the research, make it possible not only to obtain their optimal value, but also to outline further directions for improving the design.

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