
The military commissariat requests information characterizing their state of health in order to study the state of health of citizens subject to conscription before the next conscription of citizens for military service. An interdepartmental request for this informations provision to medical organizations and institutions of medical and social expertise is encouraging to be issued in the form of an electronic document using a unified system of interdepartmental electronic interaction, taking into account the trends in the development of the public administration system. Interdepartmental interaction optimization through creation of an electronic interaction mechanism will allow military commissariats to promptly exchange information in real-time characterizing the citizens state of health subject to conscription for military service with medical organizations of the state and municipal health care system, and federal state institutions of medical and social expertise. The direct connection of the military commissariat to the state information system in the field of healthcare of the subject of the Russian Federation by means of cryptographic protection of information will contribute to improving the quality as well as deceasing the medical examination time of citizens subject to conscription, thus improving the efficiency of providing medical services to citizens in medical organizations. The public administration system was successfully reoriented to provide state and municipal services in a remote format during the unstable epidemiological situation caused by the pandemic of a new coronavirus infection. Optimization of interdepartmental electronic interaction will allow military commissariats to take additional preventive measures to avoid infection and avert the spread of a new coronavirus infection during the recruitment campaign. Modern digital technologies and solutions are able to provide a qualitative leap in the organization of conscription of citizens for military service, which can be implemented without significant financial costs in the short term. However, there is a growing need to involve a proper number of participants of the military command and other state authorities in solving this complex problem.

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