
Objective. Intensive therapy of severe traumatic brain injury belongs to the most difficult section of resuscitation. Therefore, the main purpose of intensive care during the implementation is to eliminate disorders of Rheosorbilact homeostasis.
 Materials and methods. We analyzed 30 patients with traumatic brain injury in the intensive care unit of the Republican Clinical Hospital between 2018 and 2019. All patients were divided into two groups: 1st – control group (16 patients) – received complex intensive therapy without Rheosorbilact, while 2nd group (14 patients), received Rheosorbilact in a comprehensive intensive therapy. The main pharmacologically active substances of the drug are sorbitol, basic cations (Na, K, Ca, Mg), and sodium lactate. Thanks to these components, the drug has a hyperosmolar effect, causing fluid from the intercellular space to enter the vascular channel and thus improves microcirculation and perfusion of brain tissue. In order to monitor the effectiveness of the therapy in the dynamics evaluated indicators of hemodynamics (level of consciousness and diuresis), laboratory data (hemotocrit, electrolyte composition of blood, acid-alkaline blood condition, coagulogram), and MRI data. Rheosorbilact was used as part of a complex therapy in an infusion-transfusion program in the amount of 200-400 ml daily intravenous drip.
 Results. In patients, whom after the beginning of complex intensive therapy was included Rheosorbilact, was observed earlier (the first 6 h) compared to the control group, which did not use Rheosorbilact, stabilization of hemodynamics.
 Conclusions. Infusion therapy with Rheosorbilact in patients with traumatic brain injury contributed primarily to stabilization of hemodynamics and faster normalization of vital functions of the body.


  • All patients were divided into two groups: 1st – control group (16 patients) – received complex intensive therapy without Rheosorbilact, while 2nd group (14 patients), received Rheosorbilact in a comprehensive intensive therapy

  • In order to monitor the effectiveness of the therapy in the dynamics evaluated indicators of hemodynamics, laboratory data, and MRI data

  • Rheosorbilact was used as part of a complex therapy in an infusion-transfusion program in the amount of 200400 ml daily intravenous drip

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Оптимизация инфузионно-транфузионной терапии у больных с черепно-мозговой травмой Интенсивная терапия тяжелой черепно-мозговой травмы относится к наиболее сложному разделу реаниматологии. Оптимизация церебральной перфузии и кислородного транспорта является одной из важнейших задач интенсивной терапии при черепно-мозговых травмах. Применение Реосорбилакта в программе комплексного интенсивного лечения с включением инфузионной-трансфузионной терапии устраняет эти нарушения за счет восполнения объема циркулирующей крови, нивелирования гиповолемии, нарушений реологических и коагуляционных свойств крови, восстановления водно-электролитного и кислотно-щелочного баланса, улучшения микроциркуляции.

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