
Accurate measurements of whole-body activity retention of patients during radionuclide therapy are essential for two reasons: First, they enable the correct radiation protection advice to be given and second, they permit the accurate determination of the absorbed whole-body dose delivered during therapy. This, in turn, allows treatment planning to be carried out for future radionuclide therapy on an individual patient basis, and also enables the investigation of the potential correlation of absorbed dose with treatment outcome in groups of patients. There are significant difficulties associated with taking whole-body retention measurements of children, especially when they are very young and/or unwell. It is essential to carry these out in a way that minimises disturbance to the child while still providing good quality data. To accomplish this, we have aimed to optimize the following aspects of the procedure: (i) the environment in which the measurements are performed; (ii) the equipment--which includes the recent installation of a specially designed whole-body activity monitoring system for these patients; and (iii) the methodology for calculating the absorbed dose. These improvements have allowed large numbers of accurate and reproducible whole-body measurements to be collected following patient administrations. This has enabled the identification of more phases of radionuclide excretion during therapy than had previously been observed. These data have been used for radiation protection advice and treatment planning. Two (2) patients were given multiple radionuclide treatments and we were able to compare the whole-body doses delivered.

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