
Spoke structure can increase the torque density of coaxial magnetic gear (CMG). However, the outer rotor can produce a large number of magnetic leakages. To improve the utility of PMs, a novel magnetic gear was proposed in this paper. The structure of the auxiliary flux modulator is a slotted iron yoke, and the slot angle is same as the stationary ring. Among, the permanent magnets (PMs) of inner rotor are adopted uneven block structure to improve air gap flux density. At the same time, the stationary ring adopts high-temperature superconducting (HTS) bulks, replacing the epoxy resin. In addition, Genetic algorithm (GA) is applied to calculate the optimal parameters of the proposed CMG. Finally, the air gap flux density and output torque of the magnetic gear a compared by the finite element method. The results show that the output torque of the proposed magnetic gear is effectively improved.

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