
Context. At present, in automated radio monitoring systems, direction-finding of radio-electronic means is carried out under conditions of a complex electromagnetic environment, a large apriori uncertainty about the parameters of radio emissions, as well as real-time implementation. A promising direction for these conditions is the use of broadband correlation-interferometric radiodirection finders using digital processing of the complex spectrum of the received mixture of radio emissions.Objective. The aim of the article is to study and optimize the direct digital method of correlation-interferometric direction finding with reconstruction of the spatial analytical signal.Method. The paper analyzes the features of the implementation and accuracy of the direction-finding method studied, as well as analytical optimization of the non-exploratory digital method of correlation-interferometric direction finding with reconstruction of the spatial analytical signal.Results. The parameters that are included in the dispersion equation for the error in estimating the direction to the radio source for the non-exploratory digital method of correlation-interferometric direction finding with reconstruction of the spatial analytical signal that are to be optimized are determined. It is shown that the main parameters that it is advisable to optimize are the separation distance between the selected elements of the antenna array, for the spatial positions of which the complex analytical signal is reconstructed, and their numbers. A theoretical optimization of the parameters of the studied method, as well as a comparative analysis of analytical calculations and simulation results were carried out. As a result of modeling, the dependence of the method error of the bearing estimate and of the average square estimate of the bearing under the action of normal Gaussian noise on thevalues of the optimized parameters was obtained.Conclusions. A theoretical optimization of the parameters of the studied method has been carried out and it has been determined that it is advisable to use the symmetric separation of the 64-element antenna array by 28 steps to minimize the variance of the error in estimating the direction to the radiation sourse and to ensure maximum accuracy of direction finding.

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