
The article offers measures for improving the fodder base of beekeeping and its rational use in the Lypovets district of Vinnytsia region. It is known in Ukraine beekeeping fodder is honey crops, their nectar stock is 59-87% of the total region. The proportion of these plants is not the same in different parts of the country. Nowadays, the issues of improving the beekeeping fodder base and its rational use are of great importance. That’s why it is important to develop appropriate measures for the organization, improvement and use of fodder base of beekeeping. Honey plants selection will make it possible to organize honey conveyor and the proposed honey base shows that we will ensure an uninterrupted supply of food for bees. The main and auxiliary links make structure of the nectar-bearing conveyor. The main parts of the nectar-bearing conveyor are already existing sources of honey, which have developed independently of the needs of beekeeping, such as planned crops of buckwheat, sunflower, coriander, cotton, orchards, etc. The main links of the nectar-bearing conveyor produce various types of honey in different periods of a season. As a rule, there are more or less long bribery or low-bribe periods between the flowering of the main honeysuckle, they affect the development of families and reduce their productivity. The auxiliary linksof the nectar -bearing conveyor are crops aimed at filling in bribe-free periods or strengthen existing bribes. Thus, organizing a nectar-bearing conveyor, first identify the main links available in the farm fodder base of beekeeping, the timing of flowering honeysuckle and then decide on what auxiliary crops, in what quantity and in what time should be sown to fill bribe-free periods or strengthen existing harvest.

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