
Proper nutrition of a modern person, taking the physiological state, age and gender into account, is essential for maintaining the population health and a preventive measure to maintain the optimal population physical form. The predominance of simple carbohydrate-rich food in the Russians’ diet leads to an increase in the proportion of the population that is overweight and has associated diseases. In this regard, the development of confectionery products recipes, taking into account the specifics of the traditional population grocery basket, while having, in comparison to analogues prepared according to classical recipes, a low calorie content, is a relevant task. The article provides data on the optimizing organoleptic indicators of the flour confectionery products quality, considering the processing characteristics of raw materials. The list of raw materials used as a substitute for white sugar in the production of a specialized product for dietary and preventive nutrition has been scientifically substantiated. The recipe and quality composition of a new food product has been determined, which meets modern medical and biological requirements for products of this category. The relation between the substitute of sugar with sweetener and the confectionery organoleptic characteristics has been established. It has been experimentally proven that the use of the results obtained in the course of work will reduce the energy value of high-calorie foods. The use of the developed recipe base will make it possible to reduce the content of simple carbohydrates in the population diet, increasing the product consumer value for the nutrition of various population groups.

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