
The study reported in this paper concerns the influence of both polyester ratio and twist multiplier of weft yarns on the fabric tensile properties, specially, specific work of rupture, extensibility and tear strength. Mathematical models describing these parameters in both the warp and weft directions are presented in a form that can be easily predicted. It was found that the optimum values of polyester percent and twist multiplier of the weft yarns for obtaining the highest possible fabric strength in warp direction were 67% and 3.45 αe while in the weft direction were 67% and 3.8 αe


  • The study reported in thlS peper is a co~tinUBtion of that described in part 1 [1) Rnd deal!". wi th another subjel:l UII WhICh nothln~ has been found In the literature

  • ABSTRACT - ihe study reported )1"1 this paper concerna the Influence of both polyester r~tlo and t~ist multiplier of weft yarns on the fabrIC tenSIle properties, specially, speCIfIc work of rupture, e~ten­ s 1 b i Lit Y 8 n d tea r 5 t r eng t h . 1·1 a the '11 a ti cal In 0 del 5 des ('" rib inglheGeJ"lIH'amelcrn In bulh the wnrp and weft d1rectlons are presented in a Forn that can be e3sil) predIcted

  • It was found that the Optl~U~ values of polyp~ter percent nnd twist ~ulttplier of the weft yarns for obtainIng the hlghesl passlble fabrIC strength in warp direction were 67'.0 and 3.4:>D(e while in the ',",eft dirBction "'ere67" and

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Blending of p~lyester/cottDn fl r~s t,:) produce yanls Clrld fahu cs is en [rite rest 1[1g subJect to be searched in Egypt; because polyester fibres h~ye been nroduced in Eqypt since 19f1O. lherefore, the textile ln~U5lI·Y started an experinental study to determine the opti~um blerdinq level for a snecific e~d-use. Lherefore, the textile ln~U5lI·Y started an experinental study to determine the opti~um blerdinq level for a snecific e~d-use. The study reported in thlS peper is a co~tinUBtion of that described in part 1 [1) Rnd deal!". The twist multipli~r infh,ences the cotto" yarn strength (2] and it haf) II slight influe"ce on the strengt of polyester/cotton yarn when twist nultiplier IS rancJlnq from So2 C( to 4.2 {)( ~arn strength 15 one of the ~arameteFs that delirmLne fabric strergth. It is tu be expec~ed that the tWIst nultlplip.r end polyester ratio in the blp.nrlp.rl ~eft y~rn Will ~rrBct tens~le ~ro­ pert>es of fabTles. Df the study reported in this papel was to determine the validity nf this hypotheSIS ~nd to find th" optJinum values of these variables. The s e character1stIcs were establIshed as responses 1n suitable e~perl­ m~ntal dp.siqns

Tear Strength
Determinatlon of Optimum Values
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