
Advanced Heavy Water Reactor(AHWR) is being designed by BARC for thorium utilisation and demonstrate all aspects of the thorium fuel cycle. The AHWR is a vertical pressure tube type thorium-based reactor cooled by boiling light water and moderated by heavy water. The equilibrium fuel cycle of AHWR is being optimised for a discharge burn-up of 40 GWd/Te with Plutonium as makeup fuel in a closed fuel cycle. The 233U content in the Uranium and fissile Plutonium content in the Plutonium have been assumed to be about 78% and 75% respectively. One of the important passive safety features of AHWR is heat removal through natural circulation which is governed by a strong neutronic and thermal hydraulic coupling. The neutronics design simulations were done for average coolant condition. In order to study the effect of natural circulation and its consequences on the coolant behaviour and the resulting power distribution, the neutronics and thermal–hydraulic coupled calculations were carried out. The neutronics calculations code (FEMFOL) and thermal–hydraulic calculations code (ARTHA) were externally coupled to estimate the coolant density distribution and the critical heat flux ratio (CHFR) for the fuel. This paper gives the details of the critical heat flux ratio estimation and the effect of density distribution on the core power distribution at some selected operating phases during core follow-up of AHWR.

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