
AbstractInstant multigrain dalia mix based on sorghum, pearlmillet and maize was developed. Physicochemical changes in the dalia mix stored at 10, 25, 37 and 45C for 180 days were monitored. Hydroxy methyl furfural (HMF), free fatty acids (FFA) and thiobarbituric acid (TBA) value for the product increased significantly with increase in temperature and progression of storage period. The correlation between chemical reactions with the sensory properties of the product was determined to predict the shelf life. The activation energy (Ea), Arrhenius constant (A0), Q10 value and other parameters like enthalpy, entropy and free energy of activation were determined. The reaction kinetics of HMF formation followed the first order reaction while change in TBA and formation of FFA followed the zero order reaction kinetics. The Ea, A0 and Q10 value for the change in TBA were 65.46 kJ/mol, 1.22 × 1011 M/week and 1.30, respectively. The potential shelf life of instant multigrain dalia mix was 71 weeks at 10C.Practical ApplicationsDalia is a traditional cereal and milk‐based porridge, popularly consumed in the Indian subcontinent. It is commonly prepared using wheat, milk and sugar and has a poor shelf life. Coarse cereals such as sorghum, pearl millet and maize, offers nutritional advantages over wheat and rice. Development of a process for manufacture of multigrain dalia mix containing these coarse cereals, with a extended shelf life of more than 71 weeks at 10C could result in product diversification, value addition and export promotion of the product in the form of convenience food.

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