
Background: The present study explored the possibility of using live feed, as vector for supplementing the androgenic hormone in aquaculture seed production. Methods: The study consisted of five treatment doses of 17α-methyl testosterone namely; control (without hormone), T1 (20 mg L-1), T2 (40 mg L-1), T3 (60 mg L-1) and T4 (80 mg L-1) and each were triplicated. The doses were tested in the live feed of Artemia nauplii and rotifer by following completely randomized design. The Artemia nauplii (Artemia salina), collected by hatching the Artemia cyst and 5-8 days old rotifers, collected from mass culture unit of rotifer, were released in their respective treatment doses at 100 and 800 individuals/ml, respectively. Result: The study found significant difference in accumulation of hormone in the tissues of live feed at different time intervals. In Artemia, significantly higher amount of 17α-MT (15.33±0.09 mg L-1) was observed in 80 mg L-1 group at 24 h. In rotifer, significantly higher value of 17α-MT (17.42±0.06 mg L-1) was recorded in 60 mg L-1 group at 6 h. The level of 17α-MT in Artemia nauplii and rotifer started showing a decreasing trend in 24 h and 6 h, respectively. Overall the findings of the present study support that supplementation of hormone through live feed is possible as live feed accumulated 17α-MT in its tissue after enrichment which can be further explored for producing all-male population in a more sustainable way.

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