
We investigated benefits from raising the ion beam energy during measurements of 10Be with Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) at the 6MV DREAMS (DREsden AMS) facility. Increasing the terminal voltage to ≥5MV hardly reduces the yield of the Be2+ charge state after the accelerator if one applies only a thin Ar gas stripper and makes use of an overpopulation of the 2+ charge state with respect to the expected equilibrium charge state yield. As a further stripping to the 4+ charge state is conducted in a degrader foil after the analysing magnet, it is desirable to hit the foil with the highest available velocity in order to have optimal stripping of Be2+ to the fully stripped ion. At DREAMS the 10Be yield can be improved by a factor of 1.36. Applying a terminal voltage of 5.8MV the transport efficiency of 10Be from the ion source to the detector is ca. 32.5%.

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