
The global climate problem has always been urgent. This article uses linear programming mathematical methods to establish a carbon emission control optimization model based on the theory of a low-carbon economy. Guangzhou is the most economically developed province in China, and its GDP has been the first in China for 28 consecutive years, so the secondary industry in Guangdong Province of China is the research object of the model. Take the minimum total carbon emissions as the objective function. The emission reduction targets China promised at the Copenhagen meeting, the energy emissions of various industries, and the economic growth of the industries are used as constraints. The results of the model optimization show that the carbon emissions of the secondary industry in Guangdong Province in 2020 will be significantly reduced compared with the carbon emissions in 2005 after applying the low-carbon economic optimization program of structural emission reduction. The development of a low-carbon economy can eliminate outdated production capacity with high energy consumption and high emissions, and increase investment in energy conservation, emission reduction and environmental protection technologies. It can prompt Chinese enterprises to optimize the economic structure and promote the optimization and upgrading of the industrial structure, thereby changing the mode of economic development and accelerating the establishment of a resource-saving society. At the same time, the development and utilization of some new energy projects, environmental protection projects, and green energy-saving and environmental protection industries can alleviate the adverse effects of climate change, create jobs, and ease employment pressure.

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