
Optimization methods for multi-criteria decisions in pharmacy
 In pharmaceutical technological research, the determination of the quantitative composition of granules is considered as a task of multi-criteria selection. Today, to solve this problem, the regression analysis and multi-criteria optimization methods are widely used; they are based on mathematical models obtained for the object under study.
 Aim. To identify a decision-making method in a multi-criteria space that is effective for use in pharmaceutical technology research with quantitative factors.
 Materials and methods. The study uses tools of the popular computer mathematics system Mathcad (MathSoft Ins., USA) to automate the solution of mathematical problems. To automatically search for the type and coefficients of regression equations, the MS Excel application was used, namely: the data analysis package (regression analysis). The MS Word processor was used to edit the code.
 Results. A variety of approaches to the formalization of the multi-criteria optimization task have been studied. The optimal quantitative content of excipients when developing the granule technology has been found using two different optimization criteria, which are formed according to different methodical approaches. The method proposed does not provide for the mandatory introduction of gradation of individual criteria or their weighting factors.
 Conclusions. As a result of the comparison of multi-criteria optimization methods, the effectiveness of the decision-making method in the multi-criteria space has been shown; it synthesizes a mathematical procedure related to the vector of criteria and is based on determining the ideal point and introducing the concept of a norm into the space of functionals; it has not been mathematically proven, but it is practically useful decision-making algorithm compared to the mathematical method of convolution of criteria. The optimization method proposed has advantages that are manifested in the possibility of using a relatively simple mathematical apparatus and simplified logic of obtaining a solution.

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