
AbstractA researcher can find problems and their solutions on any Web site and its database so that database can be utilized appropriately, and anyone can apply tools on the data for query optimization and query processing. For optimization, relational database management systems (RDBMSs) trust an optimizer that converts SQL statements into executable code. If indexes are removed, the RDBMS can still access the data (less efficiently). If a column is added to the table being accessed, the data can still be manipulated without changing the program code. This is all possible because the physical access paths to the data are generated by the relational optimizer. Problems in optimizing MYSQL [1] DB are as follows: huge database, least usage of index, the problem with MVD, wrong schema, unnecessary columns, apply integrity constraints, response time, and time of query processing. These problems are related to relational databases. In this paper, we focus on performance tuning, time utilization or response time, a technique used for query execution and memory usage. To solve these problems, we need to create three-tier architecture which includes front end, back end, and business logic. This paper includes relational DB as MYSQL in which we check pursuance analysis of employee database; we check the usage of the index, the definition of schema, multivalued dependency, provide consistency and response time or reaction time. This work has been accomplished by validating and providing a user-friendly environment through a front-end application in HTML where verification is done through PHP. We need to perform selection, projection, and join operation in a query. To complete this paper, we use MY_SQL, HTML, and PHP. To do assessment, we use profiling and checking the status of each query, time required to respond. MYSQL uses SHOW STATUS, and SHOW PROFILE solves basic problems in RDBMS, i.e., MYSQL.KeywordsRelational databasesDBMSPerformance evaluationOracleMySQLMicrosoft access

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