
The optimization of the extraction of anthocyanins and other phenolic compounds from jabuticaba skins, a promising Brazilian source of these compounds, was studied using pressurized liquid extraction (PLE). An optimization study was performed using ethanol as a solvent and with extraction pressure (5–10MPa), temperature (313–393K) and static extraction time (3–15min) as independent variables. The optimum PLE conditions for all response variables were estimated; however, PLE conditions resulting in the highest recovery of anthocyanins (5MPa, 553K and 9min of static extraction time) were chosen for comparison with a conventional low-pressure solvent extraction (LPSE). The attributes compared were yield, content of anthocyanins and phenolic compounds and economic feasibility. Similar extraction yields were obtained by LPSE and PLE under optimized conditions; however 2.15 and 1.66-fold more anthocyanins and total phenolic compounds, respectively, were extracted using PLE, while the cost of manufacturing (COM) obtained for the PLE extract was 40-fold lower.

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