
Rainfall is a natural phenomenon that depends on many factors that are an important part of life on earth. The high intensity of rainfall can lead to disasters. Therefore, this study aims to forecast monthly rainfall. The data used was obtained from BMKG Bali Province, namely monthly rainfall data for Denpasar City from 2009 to 2019. The method used is backpropagation artificial neural network. The artificial neural network method is an information processing method inspired by the human nervous system. Optimal backpropagation network architecture is needed so that the prediction results have a low error rate, by optimizing the use of training data and test data taken from sample data. Based on the results of the testing and prediction process with the parameters of one hidden layer with 50 neorons, epoch 11 and learning rate 0.01, the results obtained with the MSE value in network testing are 0.037. So it can be concluded that the backpropagation artificial neural network method has good accuracy results used as a reference for decision making in predicting monthly rainfall in Denpasar City in the future.

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