
Technical losses in the transmission network are: losses of power, i.e. electrical energy, which are a consequence of the consumption of power, i.e. energy for heating the elements in the transmission network due to the existence of active resistance in these elements, losses due to hysteresis, losses due to eddy currents, losses due to drain currents in insulation, losses due to corona and dielectric losses. With the most frequent use of smart meters for indirect connection in operation in a plant set up to display electricity from the secondary side, the active electricity will be read on the meter screen with an additional error. Then the transformation ratios of voltage and current instrument transformers are set in the smart meter as 1:1. In order to obtain the actual value of energy, it is necessary to multiply the measured value of electricity from the meter by the transformation ratios of instrument transformers. Another way is to adjust the actual transformation ratios of voltage and current instrument transformers in the smart meter, so that the actual value of electricity in megawatts can be read on the meter screen. In this paper, the errors of electricity reading are considered, taking into account: transformation ratios of measuring transformers, resolutions and units of electricity, methods of setting smart meters, internal constants of meters, nominal secondary currents of electric meters and the prescribed maximum energy that is registered on the screen of electric meter. It investigates how much larger the errors of secondarily set electric meters for indirect connection with the usual resolution for displaying electricity in three decimal places and the unit of measurement in kilowatt hours compared to other possible settings for reading meters. Errors in the calculation of technical losses of electricity on high-voltage transmission lines and cables and power transformers are noticeable.

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