
WHO recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months. Deaths that occur in toddlers can be reduced by up to 13% through exclusive breastfeeding and giving additional food other than breast milk after the baby is six months old and continues to provide breast milk for 2 years. Factors that play a role in the success of the breastfeeding process include knowledge, motivation, education, maternal health problems, promotion of formula milk, family support, and health workers. The role of health workers is closely related to the existence of health facilities that have policies that support breastfeeding. Nurses and midwives are health workers who accompany mothers who have just given birth almost 24 hours a day while they are still being treated in the hospital. AMC Muhammadiyah Hospital as a pro-ASI hospital provides support in the form of early breastfeeding initiation, combined care, breastfeeding counseling, breastfeeding rooms, and lactation clinics. Based on this description, health workers need to master information related to the breastfeeding process. The method used is counseling and training regarding the process of breastfeeding. The activity began with a pre-test and ended with a post-test. The activity was attended by 27 female health workers with an age range of 21-47 years. The average pre-test score was 68 and the post-test score was 90. There was an increase in the pre-test and post-test average scores by 22. This proves that the provision of materials and training can increase participants' knowledge and skills regarding the breastfeeding process.

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