
Knowledge Discovery in Database (KDD) is a structured analysis process aimed at getting new and correct information, finding patterns from complex data, and being useful. Data mining is at the core of the KDD process. Clustering is a data mining method that is suitable for optimizing library services because it can cluster books effectively and efficiently, with the K-Means algorithm data can be clustered and information from each centroid value of each cluster. Library services can optimize the placement of books so that students can quickly find books according to their reading interest more effectively and can be attracted to other books because they are in one grouping. Meanwhile, the library can prioritize the procurement of the next book. Optimization of library services in the cluster using the K-Means method. Clustering interest in reading has the criteria for the number of books available, borrowed books, and the length of time the books are borrowed. The book data is clustered into 3, namely very interested, in demand, and less desirable. After doing the calculation process from 40 samples of book types, it resulted in 6 iterations, and the final results were 3 clustering, namely cluster 1 of 4 books that were of great interest, cluster 2 of 20 books that were of interest, and cluster 3 of 16 books that were less desirable. This research can be used as a recommendation reference for optimizing library services both for the layout and procurement of books by prioritizing the types of books that are of great interest.


  • Knowledge Discovery in Database (KDD) is a structured analysis process aimed at getting new and correct information, finding patterns from complex data, and being useful

  • Data mining is at the core of the KDD process

  • a data mining method that is suitable for optimizing library services

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Metodologi Penelitian

Metodelogi penelitian ini menjelaskan secara sistematik berguna sebagai pedoman untuk melakukan penelitian. Mulai dari pengumpulan data dan bahan penelitian. Melakukan Analisa Hasil Pengujian yang sesuai dari jurnal untuk permasalahan yang diteliti. Bertujuan agar lebih terarah dan di harapkan. Kerangka Kerja Penelitian bisa berjalan dengan baik sesuai dengan tujuan awal Berdasarkan kerangka kerja penelitian pada Gambar 1, dari penelitian ini. Agar mempermudah dalam peneliti menguraikan tahapan-tahapan dari kerangka pemahaman menyelesaikan permasalahan yang di kerja penelitian sebagai berikut: hadapi, sehingga melakukan penyusunan kerangan secara teratur dan jelas, yang terdapat pada Gambar 1. Tahapan identifikasi masalah merupakan tahap awal dalam melakukan penelitian. Proses mengidentifikasi masalah bertujuan untuk meninjau objek yang akan di teliti, menentukan ruang lingkup dan pencarian permasalahan pada objek penelitian

Menganalisa Permasalahan
Menentukan Tujuan Dari Penelitian
Melakukan Platform
Menghitung Jarak Terdekat Data dengan Centroid
C0 C1 C2
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