
This study aims to provide a conceptual model regarding the optimization of Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDES) based on the OVOP (One Village One Product) concept as a flagship program, which is every BUMDES in Pamekasan Regency forms a community that leads to integrated community economic empowerment order to optimizing superior commodities in Pamekasan Regency each village. This study uses descriptive qualitative methods with secondary data collection methods obtained from literature and documentaries that have been processed. While the data analysis technique starts from editing, organizing and finding. The results showed that this program has the potential to be realized, seeing the superior commodities owned by each village in Pamekasan Regency are very many and varied, in addition to support from the government regarding the priority of using the 2021 Village Fund for BUMDES, this program is the right step in overcoming existing problems. This program can be an alternative that is able to create food self-sufficiency in Pamekasan Regency as well as become one of the exporters of domestic products spread to national and international regions.


  • Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan model konseptual mengenai optimalisasi Badan Usaha Milik Desa (BUMDES) berbasis OVOP (One Village One Product) concept sebagai program unggulan, dimana setiap BUMDES di Kabupaten Pamekasan membentuk komunitas yang mengarah pada pemberdayaan ekonomi masyarakat secara terintegrasi guna mengoptimalkan komoditas unggulan pada desa masing-masing

  • This study aims to provide a conceptual model regarding the optimization of Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDES) based on the OVOP (One Village One Product) concept as a flagship program, which is every BUMDES in Pamekasan Regency forms a community that leads to integrated community economic empowerment order to optimizing superior commodities in Pamekasan Regency each village

  • The results showed that this program has the potential to be realized, seeing the superior commodities owned by each village in Pamekasan Regency are very many and varied, in addition to support from the government regarding the priority of using the 2021 Village Fund for BUMDES, this program is the right step in overcoming existing problems

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Literature Review

A. Gambaran Program “POP-COIN” Sebagai Optimalisasi BUMDES Berbasis OVOP (One Village One Product) Concept. Pengembangan komoditas unggulan dan industri berbasis sumber daya lokal bisa melalui pendekatan OVOP (One Village One Product). Konsep OVOP (One Village One Product) atau OVOC (One Village One Commodity) menjadi sebuah konsep kawasan komoditas unggulan yang melatar belakangi terbentuknya BUMDES di Indonesia. Berkaca pada keberhasilan Thailand dan Jepang, penerapan konsep OVOP di Indonesia diharapkan mampu mengatasi masalah kemiskinan yang tak kunjung usai, masyarakat akan memiliki sarana untuk mengoptimalkan produk lokalnya dan dapat menjadi badan usaha yang bersifat swakelola sehingga dapat menciptakan lapangan kerja dan mengurangi tingkat pengangguran. Program “POP-COIN: (Pamekasan OVOP Concept Integrated)” hadir sebagai bentuk revitalisasi tiga bidang ekonomi tersebut guna meningkatkan aksesibilitas terhadap produksi dan konsumsi produk domestik yang mendukung perekonomian secara berkelanjutan.

Revitalization of Village
Pakong Waru Batumarmar Pasean
Revitalization of People
Revitalization of Commerce
Skema Operasional Program “POP-COIN”
Dukungan dari Pemerintah
Potensi dan Realisasi Dana BUMDES
Memberikan Feedback bagi Masyarakat
Stakeholders Pengimplementasian Program “POP-COIN”
Tahapan Implementasi
Tahap Persiapan
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