
This research is motivated by the importance of the role of primary learning resources in learning, especially history, but learning resources have not been used optimally. The purpose of this study was to determine the use of Fort Cempaka as a primary learning resource in South Lampung. The method used in this research is qualitative with descriptive data analysis. The number of informants in this study amounted to 11 people, including 1 managing officer from Fort Cempaka and 10 history teachers at State Senior High Schools in Penegahan and Kalianda Districts. Research Results That history teachers in South Lampung have optimized Fort Cempaka as the main primary learning source in history learning. The teacher's strategy in optimizing Cempaka Fort as a primary learning resource is through visits to Cempaka Fort primary learning resources, giving assignments, and introducing and linking Cempaka Fort into learning material units. Obstacles faced by teachers in optimizing Cempaka Fort as a primary learning source are the limited material in the curriculum, limited data sources and the affordability of objects. The solution to the problems faced when Cempaka Fort was used as a learning resource was to link certain materials, look for other data sources and support from the school.

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