
There is extensive literature on how to determine the work involving a Brownian particle interacting with an external field and submerged in a thermal reservoir. However, the information supplied is essentially theoretical without specific calculations to show how this property changes with the system parameters and initial conditions. In this article, we provide explicit calculations of the optimal work considering the particle is under the influence of a time-dependent off-centered moving harmonic potential. It is done for all physical values of the friction coefficient. The system is modeled through a more general version of the Langevin equation which encompasses its classical and quasiclassical version. From the equation that defines the work, the external protocol is found through a fairly current extended version of the Euler-Lagrange equation that unifies the local and nonlocal contributions in a simple expression. The protocol is linear and, unlike previous work, not only changes the initial velocity of the particle but also its acceleration. Calculations were done for friction constants γ spanning all possible values. The periodic γ=1 shows discontinuities in the optimal work of the interplay of concentration and diffusion processes acting periodically in the dynamics. For higher values work appears to be as a smooth function of time, while the truly overdamped, where the inertial effect can be discarded, agrees with the analytical result up to a time where the numerical overdamped algorithm provides a different solution due to its inability to discard entirely the inertial effect.

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