
Industrial networked control system performance can be compromised through introduction of intended attacks by intruders. Several ways have been reported in literature to introduce attacks like denial-of-service, packet dropout, and delays etc. in Industrial networked control system. Attacks may be designed based on the system knowledge gathered through eavesdropping process. This article deals with problem of constrained optimal switching control design with industrial networked control system (iNCS) through avoiding performance deteriorating uncertain exogenous dynamics. To characterize and detect the abnormal behaviour of iNCS a random distribution process is adopted which represent the attack sequence in the process on the plant side. The delays and packet loss are introduced through Bernoulii distribution process to express uncertainty of network and also attack introduced by intruders on either side of tightly coupled component. The iNCS performance is evaluated with uncertain exogenous dynamics i.e. packet loss 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, delays, and malicious attack. The proposed design guarantees the transient and steady state performance of linear-time-invariant iNCS. The proposed design methodology evaluated under switching of optimal predictive control performance of networked system with simulation of numerical problem.

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