
Recent advances in navigation and data communication technologies make it feasible for individual aircraft to plan and fly their trajectories in the presence of other aircraft in the airspace. This way, individual aircraft can take advantage of the atmospheric and traffic conditions to optimally plan their paths. This capability is termed as the free flight concept. While the free flight concept provides new degrees of freedom to the aircraft operators, it also brings-in complexities not present in the current air traffic control system. In the free flight concept, each aircraft has the responsibility for navigating around other aircraft in the airspace. While this is not a difficult task under low speed, low traffic density conditions, the complexities of dealing with potential conflict with multiple aircraft can significantly increase the pilot’s work load. This paper presents the development of a conflict resolution algorithm based on the quasilinearization method to enable the practical implementation of the free flight concept. The algorithm development uses nonlinear point-mass aircraft models, and incorporates realistic operational constraints on individual aircraft. The analytical framework can also incorporate information about ambient atmospheric conditions. Realistic conflict resolution scenarios are illustrated. Due to their speed of execution, these conflict resolution algorithms are suitable for implementation on-board aircraft.

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