
In this study the gravitational perturbations of the Sun and other planets are modeled on the dynamics near the Earth–Moon Lagrange points and optimal continuous and discrete station-keeping maneuvers are found to maintain spacecraft about these points. The most critical perturbation effect near the L1 and L2 Lagrange points of the Earth–Moon is the ellipticity of the Moon’s orbit and the Sun’s gravity, respectively. These perturbations deviate the spacecraft from its nominal orbit and have been modeled through a restricted five-body problem (R5BP) formulation compatible with circular restricted three-body problem (CR3BP). The continuous control or impulsive maneuvers can compensate the deviation and keep the spacecraft on the closed orbit about the Lagrange point. The continuous control has been computed using linear quadratic regulator (LQR) and is compared with nonlinear programming (NP). The multiple shooting (MS) has been used for the computation of impulsive maneuvers to keep the trajectory closed and subsequently an optimized MS (OMS) method and multiple impulses optimization (MIO) method have been introduced, which minimize the summation of multiple impulses. In these two methods the spacecraft is allowed to deviate from the nominal orbit; however, the spacecraft trajectory should close itself. In this manner, some closed or nearly closed trajectories around the Earth–Moon Lagrange points are found that need almost zero station-keeping maneuver.

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