
Objectives: The objective of the study was to determine the optimal use of a new optical device, the RibEye system, intended to obtain internal ribcage deflections from tests using anthropomorphic test dummies. Specifically, the study was designed to determine the most efficacious mounting location of light emitting diodes (LEDs) on the ribs and sternum in the 50th percentile male Hybrid III dummy. Methods: Optical signal drop-out and accuracy assessment tests were conducted. In the former series, symmetric antero-posterior chest compressive loading was accomplished using cylindrical and square indenters, and asymmetrical compressive loading was accomplished using unilateral offset and diagonal belt-type loadings. LEDs were mounted to multiple ribs bilaterally at varying locations on the ribcage. The internal chest potentiometer available in the Hybrid III dummy was used. The latter series, aimed at examining the system accuracy, consisted of tests with LEDs mounted to the 4 corners of the sternum, termed sternum-mounted LED tests; rib-mounted tests wherein LEDs were mounted either to a specific rib or in the intercostal space of two successive ribs; rib-mounted tests with rotated chest simulating oblique loading; and indenter-mounted isolated LED tests. An electro-hydraulic testing device was used to apply compressive loads via an indenter in all tests. Displacement profiles were extracted from the optical system records, drop-out evaluations were conducted, and the system accuracy was evaluated by comparing data from the indenter and/or internal chest potentiometer. Results: In general, results indicated that the RibEye system captures rib cage deformations effectively. Under symmetric loading, LEDs on the sternum responded similar to the internal chest potentiometer. The accuracy of the system depended on the location of position of the LEDs on the rib, magnitude of rib deformation, and potential interference from internal dummy structures such as the presence of the internal chest potentiometer. Optimum locations for LED placement were found to be at a distance of 9 cm, measured along the outer curvilinear path of the rib from the mid-sternum on either side. At this location, the system showed no signal drop-out at deflections representative of the United States current frontal impact Injury Assessment Reference Values. Signal drop-out was also depended on the type of loading: diagonal belt-type loading produced more signal loss. Mounting LEDs away from the center of the rib representing eccentric superior-inferior (z) axis placement also resulted in loss of accuracy. Conclusions: These controlled evaluations provide a fundamental understanding of the performance of the system as installed in the 50th percentile male Hybrid III dummy and its ability to measure both antero-posterior and lateral components of deflections at multiple ribs, including the sternum for frontal impact applications. The system may be optimally used to gather rib deflection data without signal drop-out under symmetrical and asymmetrical loadings when LEDs are mounted on the superior-inferior centerline of the ribs with no eccentricity along the z-axis and at the 9-cm location from the mid-sternum on either side of the ribcage and at any corner on the sternum to obtain sternum deflections.

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