
In [ PRL, 102, 010401 (2009)], Spekkens et al., have shown that quantum preparation contextuality can power the parity-oblivious multiplexing (POM) task. The bound on the optimal success probability of $n$-bit POM task performed with the classical resources was shown to be the \textit{same} as in a preparation non-contextual theory. This non-contextual bound is violated if the task is performed with quantum resources. While in $2$-bit POM task the optimal quantum success probability is achieved, in 3-bit case optimality was left as an open question. In this paper, we show that the quantum success probability of a $n$-bit POM task is solely dependent on a suitable $2^{n-1}\times n$ Bell's inequality and optimal violation of it optimizes the success probability of the said POM task. Further, we discuss how the degree of quantum preparation contextuality restricts the amount of quantum violations of Bell's inequalities, and consequently the success probability of a POM task.

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