
This paper explores an adaption of the coordinate ascent approach to quantum control problems. It was motivated by the observation that several of the existing monotone-converging schemes for quantum control may be viewed as approximations of the well-known coordinate ascent method. Our implementation employs line searches in coordinate directions in control space using only evaluations of the performance functional, without invoking its derivatives. It is based on recasting the performance functional as a local tracking function which gives the „future” quality of a control at each moment in time. Back propagation of a basis of the target space enables these performance functional (i.e., tracking function) evaluations to be done efficiently. The performance functional may include, or not include, regularization terms as needed. Convergence of the resulting algorithm and its relation to previous schemes are discussed, and numerical examples are provided. In our tests, the coordinate ascent algorithm exhibited rapid convergence to high yield controls. Moreover, it is readily adapted to different restrictions on the controls imposed by the physics of the system under study, e.g., controls with spectrum restrictions in laser control problems, and discrete controls on a specified time grid in electronically controlled nanodevices, or in NMR.

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