
Adductor percentage is one of the economically most important traits in Argopecten irradians concentricus . Elucidation of its growth pattern is undoubtedly of great practical bearing. In the paper, according to Mallows' C p criterion and a couple of other pertinent statistics, decision on the determination of the optimal math model, from several candidates that have been previously proposed, for depicting growth of adductor percentage in A . irradians concentricus was made. Results showed that under current environmental circumstances and culture management regime in the Beibu bay of South China Sea, the growth of adductor percentage was observed to exhibit the Brody pattern. von Bertalanffy, Gompertz, Logistic and Richards models were not advised for the depicture of growth of adductor percentage. Asymptotic growth of adductor percentage subtended in Brody model, estimated using Levengerg–Marquardt iteration, were 0.240 (95% confidence interval, 0.211–0.264). Results of the study are greatly instrumental to the formulation of culture production and breeding scenario of A . irradians concentricus .

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