
Abstract Path planning is an important task for mobile service robots. Most of the
available path-planning algorithms are applicable only in static environments. Achieving
path planning becomes a difficult task in an unknown dynamic environment. To solve the
problem of path planning in an unknown dynamic environment, this paper proposes a BRRT*-
DWA algorithm with Adaptive Monte Carlo Localization. Bidirectional Rapidly-exploring
Random Tree Star(BRRT*) is used to generate an optimal global path plan, Dynamic Window
Approach(DWA) is a local planner and Adaptive Monte Carlo Localization(AMCL) is used
as a localization technique. By using the map file of the unknown environment created by
SLAM and LiDAR sensor, the robot can navigate while avoiding dynamic as well as static
obstacles. In addition, the object identification algorithm YOLO was adopted, trained, and
used for the robot to recognize objects and people. Results obtained from both simulation
and experiment show the proposed method can achieve better performance in a dynamic
environment compared with other state-of-the-art algorithms.

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