
Motivated by longstanding conjectures regarding decompositions of graphs into paths and cycles, we prove the following optimal decomposition results for random graphs. Let 0<p<1 be constant and let G∼Gn,p. Let odd(G) be the number of odd degree vertices in G. Then a.a.s. the following hold:(i)G can be decomposed into ⌊Δ(G)/2⌋ cycles and a matching of size odd(G)/2.(ii)G can be decomposed into max⁡{odd(G)/2,⌈Δ(G)/2⌉} paths.(iii)G can be decomposed into ⌈Δ(G)/2⌉ linear forests. Each of these bounds is best possible. We actually derive (i)–(iii) from ‘quasi-random’ versions of our results. In that context, we also determine the edge chromatic number of a given dense quasirandom graph of even order. For all these results, our main tool is a result on Hamilton decompositions of robust expanders by Kühn and Osthus.

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