
Abstract White bean is one of the mayor legumes, which covers a wide surface in planting structure. High yields are closely related to the right regionalization of this crop and the implementation of agrotechnical provisions. One of the most important agrotechnical issue is: to determine the optimal number of plants in regard to the distance between rows and the distance of plants in a row. Depending on the morphological differences of beans, the number of plants per unit of surface should change. In order to determine this optimal number, it is necessary to experiment different plant varieties with an average number of 250-400 thousand plants / ha. The study was carried out by experimenting two autochthonous varieties Eҫmeniku and Trenare (they were evaluated as the best varieties in Korça District among 5 experimented varieties.) The study aims to identify the influence of the plant number and planting method on the production results. For this purpose, we studied the varieties with a distance of 5-12 cm between plants in a row (distance between rows 60 cm), with a number of about 50,000 plants per hectare. We used two planting methods, that of individual planting of beans and the bouquet planting where the beans are placed 2 by 2. We draw respective conclusions based on experimental results calculated according to the three-factorial statistical analysis.

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