
The multiconfiguration time-dependent Hartree (MCTDH) method and its multilayer extension (ML-MCTDH) are powerful algorithms for the efficient computation of nuclear quantum dynamics in high-dimensional systems. By providing time-dependent variational orbitals and an optimal choice of layered effective degrees of freedom, one is able to reduce the computational cost to an amenable number of configurations. However, choices related to selecting properly the mode grouping and tensor tree are strongly system dependent and, thus far, subjectively based on intuition and/or experience. Therefore, herein we detail a new protocol based on multivariate statistics─more specifically, factor analysis and hierarchical clustering─for a reliable and convenient guiding in the optimal design of such complex "system-of-systems" tensor-network decompositions. The advantages of employing the new algorithm and its applicability are tested on water and two floppy protonated water clusters with large amplitude motions.

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