
In interactions of different energetic ions with extended targets hydrogen isotopes are the most effective projectiles for the production of spallation neutrons. It is shown that for every target material and incident ion type and energy there is an optimal target size which results in the escape of a maximum number of spallation neutrons from the target. Calculations show that in an ADS, combination of a beam of 1.5GeV deuteron projectiles and a uranium target results in the highest neutron production rate and therefore highest energy gain. For fast 1.5GeV d+238U ADS with lead or lead–bismuth eutectic moderator, the required ion beam current is only 38% of that for 1GeV proton projectiles on lead target. It is shown that for a modular ADS with uranium target and output power of 550MWth a 1.5GeV deuteron beam of current 1.8mA is required, which is easily achievable with today’s technology. For an ADS with keff=0.98 and output power of 2.2GWth, the required beam currents for (a) 1GeV p+Pb and (b) 1.5GeV d+U systems are 18.5 and 7.1mA, respectively.

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