
In this paper, we derive a formula for the optimal investment allocation (derived from a dynamic programming approach) in a defined contribution (DC) pension scheme whose fund is invested in n assets. We then analyse the particular case of n=2 (where we consider the presence in the market of a high-risk and a low-risk asset whose returns are correlated) and study the investment allocation and the downside risk faced by the retiring member of the DC scheme, where optimal investment strategies have been adopted. The behaviour of the optimal investment strategy is analysed when changing the disutility function and the correlation between the assets. Three different risk measures are considered in analysing the final net replacement ratios achieved by the member: the probability of failing the target, the mean shortfall and a value at risk (VaR) measure. The replacement ratios encompass the financial and annuitisation risks faced by the retiree. We consider the relationship between the risk aversion of the member and these different risk measures in order to understand better the choices confronting different categories of scheme member. We also consider the sensitivity of the results to the level of the correlation coefficient.

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