
AbstractComplex systems that are required to perform very reliably are often designed to be “fault‐tolerant,” so that they can function even though some component parts have failed. Often fault‐tolerance is achieved through redundancy, involving the use of extra components. One prevalent redundant component configuration is the m‐out‐of‐n system, where at least m of n identical and independent components must function for the system to function adequately.Often machines containing m‐out‐of‐n systems are scheduled for periodic overhauls, during which all failed components are replaced, in order to renew the machine's reliability. Periodic overhauls are appropriate when repair of component failures as they occur is impossible or very costly. This will often be the case for machines which are sent on “missions” during which they are unavailable for repair. Examples of such machines include computerized control systems on space vehicles, military and commercial aircraft, and submarines.An interesting inventory problem arises when periodic overhauls are scheduled. How many spare parts should be stocked at the maintenance center in order to meet demands? Complex electronic equipment is rarely scrapped when it fails. Instead, it is sent to a repair shop, from which it eventually returns to the maintenance center to be used as a spare. A Markov model of spares availability at such a maintenance center is developed in this article. Steady‐state probabilities are used to determine the initial spares inventory that minimizes total shortage cost and inventory holding cost. The optimal initial spares inventory will depend upon many factors, including the values of m and n, component failure rate, repair rate, time between overhauls, and the shortage and holding costs.In a recent paper, Lawrence and Schaefer [4] determined the optimal maintenance center inventories for fault‐tolerant repairable systems. They found optimal maintenance center inventories for machines containing several sets of redundant systems under a budget constraint on total inventory investment. This article extends that work in several important ways. First, we relax the assumption that the parts have constant failure rates. In this model, component failure rates increase as the parts age. Second, we determine the optimal preventive maintenance policy, calculating the optimal age at which a part should be replaced even if it has not failed because the probability of subsequent failure has become unacceptably high. Third, we relax the earlier assumption that component repair times are independent, identically distributed random variables. In this article we allow congestion to develop at the repair shop, making repair times longer when there are many items requiring repair. Fourth, we introduce a more efficient solution method, marginal analysis, as an alternative to dynamic programming, which was used in the earlier paper. Fifth, we modify the model in order to deal with an alternative objective of maximizing the job‐completion rate.In this article, the notation and assumptions of the earlier model are reviewed. The requisite changes in the model development and solution in order to extend the model are described. Several illustrative examples are included.

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