
The estimation of large functional and longitudinal data, which refers to the estimation of mean function, estimation of covariance function, and prediction of individual trajectory, is one of the most challenging problems in the field of high-dimensional statistics. Functional Principal Components Analysis (FPCA) and Functional Linear Mixed Model (FLMM) are two major statistical tools used to address the estimation of large functional and longitudinal data; however, the former suffers from a dramatically increasing computational burden while the latter does not have clear asymptotic properties. In this paper, we propose a computationally effective estimator of large functional and longitudinal data within the framework of FLMM, in which all the parameters can be automatically estimated. Under certain regularity assumptions, we prove that the mean function estimation and individual trajectory prediction reach the minimax lower bounds of all nonparametric estimations. Through numerous simulations and real data analysis, we show that our new estimator outperforms the traditional FPCA in terms of mean function estimation, individual trajectory prediction, variance estimation, covariance function estimation, and computational effectiveness.

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