
The transcritical CO2 heat pump holds promise for achieving carbon neutrality in buildings, primarily due to its high energy efficiency in hot water heating. However, using it for space heating often leads to efficiency losses. A heat pump equipped with a tri-partite gas cooler can address this issue by providing both space heating and hot water while maintaining lower refrigerant temperatures at the gas cooler exit. Nonetheless, there is limited research on the characteristics of a CO2 heat pump system designed for simultaneous space and hot water production. This work fills this gap by analyzing the impacts of operational and system configuration, considering the variation of space heating to hot water production loads. A theoretical model is presented and verified with the experiments. Results show that under the specified conditions, the heat load ratio has minimal influence on the optimal discharge pressure. Increasing the water outlet temperature from 60 °C to 80 °C leads to a nearly 14% decrease in maximum COP, with a corresponding 12.2% increase in the optimal pressure. A 10 K rise in water inlet temperature results in approximately a 21% decline in maximum COP. Evaporation temperature has little impact on the optimal discharge pressure, while maximum COP increases by roughly 63% with a rise in evaporation temperature from -10 °C to 10 °C. Space heating water temperature notably affects the optimal discharge pressure. Integration of an IHX enhances system COP but has marginal impact on the optimal discharge pressure. These findings offer insights for designing and optimizing transcritical CO2 heat pumps for simultaneous space and water heating applications.

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