
Improved streamflow forecasting is considered an important task for researchers and water resources managers. However, streamflow forecasting is often challenging owing to the complexity of hydrologic systems. The accuracy of streamflow forecasting mainly depends on the input data from rainfall. Hence, this is important to make the estimation of rainfall as accurate as possible result in achieve an economical design of watershed management, water budget studies, reservoir operation, and flood forecasting and control. Most of the previous research was highlighted, an optimal rain gauge network is necessary to provide high quality rainfall estimates. The goal of this paper is to provide a concise review of several studies on the optimal design of a rain gauge network models to enhance the accuracy of streamflow forecasting. This study had two components. First, the design of an optimal rain gauge network using the kriging-based geostatistical approach based on the variance reduction framework. Second, the uses of optimization technique for minimizing the kriging variance in order to optimize rain gauge networks. Additionally, a discussion of both techniques to design an optimal rain gauge network is presented. A well designed rain gauge network is capable of providing accurate rainfall estimates with an optimal number of rain gauge network density. This paper closes with a set of recommendations for what observations and capabilities are needed in the future to advance our understanding of an optimal rain gauge network design and their location for improving the estimate of aerial rainfall.

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