
Human-centric biomedical diagnosis (HCBD) becomes a hot research topic in the healthcare sector, which assists physicians in the disease diagnosis and decision-making process. Leukemia is a pathology that affects younger people and adults, instigating early death and a number of other symptoms. Computer-aided detection models are found to be useful for reducing the probability of recommending unsuitable treatments and helping physicians in the disease detection process. Besides, the rapid development of deep learning (DL) models assists in the detection and classification of medical-imaging-related problems. Since the training of DL models necessitates massive datasets, transfer learning models can be employed for image feature extraction. In this view, this study develops an optimal deep transfer learning-based human-centric biomedical diagnosis model for acute lymphoblastic detection (ODLHBD-ALLD). The presented ODLHBD-ALLD model mainly intends to detect and classify acute lymphoblastic leukemia using blood smear images. To accomplish this, the ODLHBD-ALLD model involves the Gabor filtering (GF) technique as a noise removal step. In addition, it makes use of a modified fuzzy c-means (MFCM) based segmentation approach for segmenting the images. Besides, the competitive swarm optimization (CSO) algorithm with the EfficientNetB0 model is utilized as a feature extractor. Lastly, the attention-based long-short term memory (ABiLSTM) model is employed for the proper identification of class labels. For investigating the enhanced performance of the ODLHBD-ALLD approach, a wide range of simulations were executed on open access dataset. The comparative analysis reported the betterment of the ODLHBD-ALLD model over the other existing approaches.

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