
The problem of optimal allocation of a limited water supply, for irrigation of several crops in the same area, isaddressed in this article. Both intraseasonal and interseasonal competition for water, among various crops, is considered.A Linear Programming mathematical model was developed to determine optimum water allocation. The main objective ofthis optimization model was to choose the optimal cropping pattern that satisfies the existing climatic, agronomic, economic,and land and water availability constraints for a selected pilot study area in Ghazzah, in the South Bekaa region of Lebanon.Two different scenarios, as well as another irrigation distribution scheme already planned for the pilot area, were comparedto the current practice. Different conditions and restrictions on crop production and utilization of land resources were testedwithin the two scenarios. Results reveal that neither the current cropping pattern nor that of the planned distribution schemeis optimal, and that they should be replaced. The lowest net return is achieved with the current cropping pattern. Higher profitscould be obtained in both tested scenarios due to the introduction of new crops to the area. The recommended scenario is theone having the highest net benefit to initial investment cost ratio.

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