Recently, the number of electric vehicles (EVs) is increasing due to the decline of oil resources and the rising of greenhouse gas emissions. However, EVs have not received full acceptance by consumers due to the limitations of the stored energy and charging problems. The dynamic or in-motion charging solution has become a suitable choice to solve the battery-related issues. Many researchers and vehicle manufacturers are working to develop an efficient charging system for EVs. In order to improve the efficiency of the dynamic wireless power transfer (DWPT), the electromagnetic coupling coefficient between the two parts of the coupler must be maximized. This paper was dedicated to find the optimal topology of a magnetic coupler with the best coupling factor while taking in consideration the displacement and the misalignment of the EV. The article is introduced by developing a methodology for characterizing the electrical parameters of couplers, followed by a comparative study of different forms of coils suitable for dynamic charging of electric vehicles. The particularity of the proposed study concerned the overall dimensions, or the areas occupied by the windings of the coils remaining the same for all the chosen shapes and corresponding to the surface that is actually available under the EV. Simulation and experimental tests were carried out to validate the proposed study.
For global warming, nonrenewable fossil energy, and other reasons, electrification of transportation systems have been carried out for many years
This comparison was done for the fourTchoeupnloerrmtoapliozleodgiseeslfs-einendubcetfaonrec.es values obtained by measurement (multiplied distances (0 to 50 mm) by the scale factor 10 in order to be directly compared to displacements of the numerical model at 1:1 scale) were similar to those obtained by numerical calculation and we focus on the coupling factor comparison study
The normalized self-inductances values obtained by measurement (multiplied distances (0 to 50 mm) by the scale factor 10 in order to be directly compared to displacements of the numerical model at 1:1 scale) were similar to those obtained by numerical calculation and we focus n the coupling factor comparison stud(yf.) Figure 23 shows the cmaoxeuisngFpuitoglslifaunfrtrgo;he(reb2c2t)eoch.lieMeerfFlccafeuiftirgaorcl;asuiiu(ucrebr;rrner)(ecoct2cm)oai2Doreud.cDnbMupt(tXllnaoaee;ifaro(rn;sdnem(ut)ocoDdrr)eipmDsDmfoaaYrDelllo;iionXzg(mgtee;n)dio(BemdfnsPs)neeuXlDosnfm;tr-Dtu(imn)fedY).darB;iiuleic(PczedaYte)ald.BnpscPsrieeeXmlcvf;o-ui(imofnl)audpBtusaiPlocryYetnad.santncoaednscidmofomurelpxaaatpirodeendrisirmtpeosleasuniclmtetsam.ul(laaem)tnrieotecnatiansrneu-strhuele-ts. (a) rectangu
Nonrenewable fossil energy, and other reasons, electrification of transportation systems have been carried out for many years. As the need for EV charging and technological progress has increased, the powers transferred by WPT and the charging distance have increased from a few Energies 2021, 14, 3983. IInntthhiissppaappeerr,,iinn oorrddeerr ttoo chhoooossee aann optimmaall EVV’’ss indduuccttiivvee ppoowweerr ttrraannssffeerr cchhaarrggiinngg ssyysstteemm,,tthhee authors comparedd iinntteerrmmssooffththeeirircocouupplilninggcoceofefifcficeinetndt idffieffrernetngtegoemoemtreitersieosf ocfocilosiltshtohuoguhgkhekeepeinpgintghethseamsaemwe iwndinindginagreaare(aav(avilaaiblaleblaereaareuanudnedr ethr ethEeVE)V. There are four basic resonant topologies of resonant inductive power transfer system, labeled as SS (series–series), SP (series–parallel), PS (parallel–series), PP (parallel– parallel) [18]. Typimcaol rWePcTomFchigpaurogrneine2ng.tsTsyyasptrieecmarlefWoqruPEiTrVecsdh.a[r2g4in].g system for EVs. rfrtacheeeatedceptdthuaisfebctTtiaeheithlnsrweie.tdtyothpTareoaharsdinnwerdmst(mstcsnedsocoeeeeo.ma,oacrsaceiIccctulogongifohthohstfnipnndnftSFTaifeSTFva(icdeldteiecerrnehtiehegihotgghogatecaecrgeieuipebordeuucereon)cryo.yootncA,nprcetftcafibobewhihydtcdloc3iCeehettinoe.eoli3lallealsryelydmedmgriisEh)Et,,snnd.,h,rhooVVahpptteeiiiriwpdhhrnDnoeddegoebbeeendnwdhuisCaAaArscssuughahattsoapafCCttcpchtiiitemedtoaiiggriioinnrrnttsoeosahhryypwrdtggisgnnaa-.-lt.ecceyffiennaaaonrvnrnrsrtssniceencmseeepffoqtqiratteehsAAtirpwnwuutrripeeeorcverCeCeaootdeeonnrnenicrrdodenvrvscbcktkostnaivyooyppy,e,fvotelldottoioaenttccchhroawawfauauttDepenggeonparereodWeettrrcnraarrrwDeeeacaaaeiiidPnnsnisttnntW efttTiwtrtrortstsrroehsheefefiiPrsoqneneccseecydTarrtruttksitrrriurttficeohftesheehe.eieuneydicdceeeTimgdrcemesdthrphpoytpiip,evaveepa-oorwrcntnmfiinirwiwhrnnlcmtmdooideoe,ggt(eevsqhmDatawtrrelrecucrrretaCioioapyiytehatssntoniihe)nkhellsssccsneu8caifpipopoftgyesg5gsephoioirarninlelrikonrerArtrmiietgitHgwfigifeo..CpdnieedaccnBBazerndnaratnri,pytyyoeunemnnofotrAritcretraraxawlaaaleteatnyyCatetrwDssnDeeedydnooi/issrsCmoDmCcnnsfbare/teaeaaC/apnkoypsrDncDnttrdriiooCnnoCanavsggvlldcetceteeowewocaddrronnr.ni.inynvtvtahahdeecttrroiaitttntnhhireelggyeesrr Typically, there are four basic resonant topologies of resonant inductive power transfer system, labeled as SS (series–series), SP (series–parallel), PS (parallel–series), PP (parallel–parallel) [18].
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