
This paper analyzes multiple active management (AM) techniques of active distribution network (ADN), and proposes an optimal coordination model of intermittent distributed generation (IDG) accommodation considering the timing characteristic of load and IDG. The objective of the model is to maximize the daily amount of IDG accommodation under the uncertainties of IDG and load. Various active management techniques such as IDG curtailment, on-load tap changer (OLTC) tap adjusting, voltage regulator (VR) tap adjusting, shunt capacitors compensation and so on are fully considered. Genetic algorithm and Primal-Dual Interior Point Method (PDIPM) is used for the model solving. Point estimate method is used to simulate the uncertainties. Different scenarios are selected for the IDG accommodation capability investigation under different active management schemes. Finally a modified IEEE 123 case is used to testify the proposed accommodation model, the results show that the active management can largely increase the IDG accommodation and penetration.

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