
The energy requirements for most residential and commercialbuildings show both annual or seasonal, and daily variations. In addi-tion, depending on the electrical rate schedule and location, there canbe time-of-use variation in the prices a customer pays for electricity.Such facts make it harder to select (a) the best-fit equipment for the hostbuilding and (b) the best operating strategy for the selected equipment.This article proposes a mixed integer programming (MILP) model tohelp decide the optimal make up of a prospect cogeneration system asapplied to a residential complex located in Zaragoza, Spain. The modelconsiders the possibility of whether to use or not a set of proposed al-ternative technologies within a previously defined superstructure. Suchsuperstructure is defined through binary variables and takes into ac-count the optimal operation of all feasible combinations of technologiesthroughout a typical meteorological year. The model’s objective functionis to minimize the total annual cost, which includes the cost of investedcapital, subject to technical, economic and legal constraints.

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