
Accurate measurement of the Mueller matrix over a broad band is highly desirable for the characterization of nanostructures and nanomaterials. In this paper, we propose a general composite waveplate (GCW) that consists of multiple waveplates with flexibly oriented axes as a polarization modulating component in the Mueller matrix ellipsometer (MME). Although it is a common practice to make achromatic retarders by combining multiple waveplates, the novelty of the GCW is that both the retardances and azimuths of fast axes of the single-waveplates in the GCW are flexible parameters to be optimized, which is different from the conventional design where single-waveplates are usually arranged in symmetrical layout or with their fast axes parallel or perpendicular to each other. Consequently, the GCW can provide many more flexibilities to adapt to the optimization of the MME over a broad band. A quartz triplate, as a concrete example of the GCW, is designed and used in a house-made MME. The experimental results on the air demonstrate that the house-made MME using the optimally designed quartz triplates has an accuracy better than 0.2% and a precision better than 0.1% in the Mueller matrix measurement over a broad spectral range of 200∼1000 nm. The house-made MME exhibits high measurement repeatability better than 0.004 nm in testing a series of standard SiO2/Si samples with nominal oxide layer thicknesses ranging from 2 nm to 1000 nm.

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